If you are looking for memorable 0800 numbers, we have today added a new range of 0800 numbers to our website starting 0800 999 1XXX.
If your business provides an out of hours emergency call out service, such as emergency plumbers, emergency locksmith etc. then this could be ideal for your next marketing campaign.
Even more reasons to use Memorable 0800 Numbers…
0800 numbers are now free to call from both UK landlines and mobiles. You may have heard about a new surcharge when someone calls your 0800 number from a mobile. As a Tamar Telecommunications customer this won’t affect you, as we’ve decided to absorb this charge!
The available memorable 0800 numbers include 0800 999 1100 and 0800 999 1111.
To view a list of our 0800 999 numbers, click here.
To view a list of our standard 0800 numbers with free connection, click here.