01707 Virtual Landline Number

When you buy a 01707 virtual landline number from Tamar Telecommunications, you get to use a dedicated landline number for all your business calls. Your potential customers may be cautious of a business that only advertises a mobile phone number. By advertising a 01707 virtual landline number, your business immediately comes across as being more established.

Our virtual landline service allows you to divert your calls to several mobiles and landlines at the same time, or in a set order. For example if you are in a meeting with a client, just ignore the call and it will move onto your colleagues mobile.

We include a range of useful features with each phone number at no extra cost. This includes the ability to change where your 01707 virtual landline number diverts to instantly online, as well as clever features such as timed diverts. Timed diverts can be set to divert callers straight to voicemail at night and at weekends for example, when you may not want to be disturbed. You can even manage your features on the go with our free mobile app.

In total we have over 10 free features packed into each phone number. With virtual landline numbers available from just £4.99 a month, it really is one of the best virtual landline number services on the market.